39th Daytime Emmy Awards
Beverly Hills Hotel
Beverly Hills, California
June 23, 2012
Photo Galleries
AP Gallery
Steven Bergman
2012.06.23 Ashley ✯ Falconeri
2012.06.23 melissa reeves
venice_the_serieshttps://instagram.com/p/17L1W4K_Fv/?taken-by=venice_the_series |
2012.06.23 BlueStreakFreaks
2012.06.23 Daytime Confidential
Soap Pairings Light Up 39th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards! http://t.co/cbMXyGcK
2012.06.23 Lauren Koslow
2012.06.23 Shawn Christian
Emmys with the Moms and Lisa! http://t.co/ZIS4x4qR
2012.06.23 Shawn Christian
Thank you to all who have shared warmth and kindness with my mother. You have made time in California very special. http://pic.twitter.com/6jeNjKqx
2012.06.23 Lauren Koslow |
2012.06.23 Lauren Koslow
2012.06.23 Lauren Koslow
Kinda love this one! Who wouldn't ... Ummm gorgeous men
2012.06.23 |
2012.06.23 Deidre Hall
You'd think the way we snapped pictures we didn't see each other every day! http://t.co/lZR9Q7dd
2012.06.23 Patrick Harbison
2012.06.23 Lauren Koslow
Lots of Texting... Tweeting at the tables!! Lol http://t.co/BtOEHCqj